Motivational Story

                                Motivational Story There are many beautiful and uplifting things in life, but there is also loss. Losing a loved one can trigger intense feelings of grief. For some people, this grief can lead to  depression  or make underlying. *The extinguished candle* A father loved his four-year-old daughter Mini. While returning from office, he used to bring various kinds of toys and food items daily for her. The daughter also used to have a lot of affection for her father and always used to call her father-father in a flute's voice. The days were good days, suddenly one day the Mini had a very high fever, all got scared, they ran to the doctor, but carrying her, Mini died. As the family felt that the mountain itself was broken and the condition of the father became like a dead person. Even after weeks of going to the Mini, he would not talk to anyone ... ...

Motivational Story

                                Motivational Story

This moral story students, workers and those who want to get success in their lives must read. I am sharing this post in both language (English & Hindi),which will make easier for learners. so, don't waste time. Let's read it.

 *Think big*

Think Positive, Think Deeply

An unemployed young man from a very poor family was traveling by train to go to another city in search of a job. In the house only occasionally made a vegetable, so he kept only roti for food on the way.

After halfway through, he started feeling hungry, and took out roti from the Tiffin and started eating. The way to eat was strange, he took a piece of bread and put something inside Tiffin as if he was eating something else with the bread, while he had only roti !! His actions were shocked to see this and other travelers nearby. The young man takes a piece of bread every time and puts it in a tiffin of lies and account. Everyone was wondering why that young man was doing this. After all, one person could not restrain  himself and he asked him why you are doing such a thing, you do not have a vegetable, and if you put a piece of bread in the empty tiffin every time you are eating it like if it is a vegetable.

Then the young man responded, "Brother, this is not a vegetable in the empty lid but I am thinking that I am eating a lot of it, I am eating roti with ethics."

 Then the person asked, "Are you eating dry roti by thinking of ethics in the lid, do you taste the ethics?"

"Yes, it's coming, I'm eating a lot with pickle and I'm feeling very good.", The young man responded.

 The neighbors also heard about this, and one person from them said, "When you had to think, then you thought of peas and paneer at the place of ethnicity, you know the royal cabbage .... You get the taste of it. According to your saying, if you thought of conduct, then taste of ethics came and then it would taste if you think of delicious things. If you had to think, why should you think so little about how good it is. "


We should always think big. it doesn't matter what situation you are going through.

*बड़ा सोचो*

अत्यंत गरीब परिवार का एक  बेरोजगार युवक  नौकरी की तलाश में  किसी दूसरे शहर जाने के लिए  रेलगाड़ी से  सफ़र कर रहा था | घर में कभी-कभार ही सब्जी बनती थी, इसलिए उसने रास्ते में खाने के लिए सिर्फ रोटीयां ही रखी थी |

आधा रास्ता गुजर जाने के बाद उसे भूख लगने लगी, और वह टिफिन में से रोटीयां निकाल कर खाने लगा | उसके खाने का तरीका कुछ अजीब था , वह रोटी का  एक टुकड़ा लेता और उसे टिफिन के अन्दर कुछ ऐसे डालता मानो रोटी के साथ कुछ और भी खा रहा हो, जबकि उसके पास तो सिर्फ रोटीयां थीं!! उसकी इस हरकत को आस पास के और दूसरे यात्री देख कर हैरान हो रहे थे | वह युवक हर बार रोटी का एक टुकड़ा लेता और झूठमूठ का टिफिन में डालता और खाता | सभी सोच रहे थे कि आखिर वह युवक ऐसा क्यों कर रहा था | आखिरकार  एक व्यक्ति से रहा नहीं गया और उसने उससे पूछ ही लिया की भैया तुम ऐसा क्यों कर रहे हो, तुम्हारे पास सब्जी तो है ही नहीं फिर रोटी के टुकड़े को हर बार खाली टिफिन में डालकर ऐसे खा रहे हो मानो उसमे सब्जी हो |

तब उस युवक  ने जवाब दिया, “भैया , इस खाली ढक्कन में सब्जी नहीं है लेकिन मै अपने मन में यह सोच कर खा रहा हू की इसमें बहुत सारा आचार है,  मै आचार के साथ रोटी खा रहा हू  |”

 फिर व्यक्ति ने पूछा , “खाली ढक्कन में आचार सोच कर सूखी रोटी को खा रहे हो तो क्या तुम्हे आचार का स्वाद आ रहा है ?”

“हाँ, बिलकुल आ रहा है , मै रोटी  के साथ अचार सोचकर खा रहा हूँ और मुझे बहुत अच्छा भी लग रहा है |”, युवक ने जवाब दिया|

 उसके इस बात को आसपास के यात्रियों ने भी सुना, और उन्ही में से एक व्यक्ति बोला , “जब सोचना ही था तो तुम आचार की जगह पर मटर-पनीर सोचते, शाही गोभी सोचते….तुम्हे इनका स्वाद मिल जाता | तुम्हारे कहने के मुताबिक तुमने आचार सोचा तो आचार का स्वाद आया तो और स्वादिष्ट चीजों के बारे में सोचते तो उनका स्वाद आता | सोचना ही था तो भला  छोटा क्यों सोचे तुम्हे तो बड़ा सोचना चाहिए था |”

नैतिक शिक्षा :

हमें हमेशा बड़ा सोचना चाहिए | इससे कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता कि आप किस स्थिति से गुजर रहें हैं | 

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