
Showing posts from November, 2019

Motivational Story

                                Motivational Story There are many beautiful and uplifting things in life, but there is also loss. Losing a loved one can trigger intense feelings of grief. For some people, this grief can lead to  depression  or make underlying. *The extinguished candle* A father loved his four-year-old daughter Mini. While returning from office, he used to bring various kinds of toys and food items daily for her. The daughter also used to have a lot of affection for her father and always used to call her father-father in a flute's voice. The days were good days, suddenly one day the Mini had a very high fever, all got scared, they ran to the doctor, but carrying her, Mini died. As the family felt that the mountain itself was broken and the condition of the father became like a dead person. Even after weeks of going to the Mini, he would not talk to anyone ... ...

Motivational Story

                                Motivational Story There are many beautiful and uplifting things in life, but there is also loss. Losing a loved one can trigger intense feelings of grief. For some people, this grief can lead to  depression  or make underlying. *The extinguished candle* A father loved his four-year-old daughter Mini. While returning from office, he used to bring various kinds of toys and food items daily for her. The daughter also used to have a lot of affection for her father and always used to call her father-father in a flute's voice. The days were good days, suddenly one day the Mini had a very high fever, all got scared, they ran to the doctor, but carrying her, Mini died. As the family felt that the mountain itself was broken and the condition of the father became like a dead person. Even after weeks of going to the Mini, he would not talk to anyone ... ...

Milieu meaning

                                Word of the day Milieu (मिल्यू) वातावरण, माहौल       Example :  अंग्रेजी सिखने के लिये हमें अंग्रेजी माहौल की आवश्यकता होती है |  We need English milieu for learning English.

Immense meaning

                                Word of the day Immense (इमेंस) विशाल, असीम, अपार      Example :  उसके पास कंप्यूटर का अपार ज्ञान है |  He has immense knowledge of computer.

Types of noun

Noun (नाउन) - संज्ञा Generally, the purpose of a sentence is to provide information about or give instructions to a person, animal, place or thing. The word or words used in the sentence that refer to the name of the person, animal, place or thing are known as Noun. It is probably the most widely used part of speech. वाक्य का उपयोग आम तौर पर किसी व्यक्ति, स्थान या वस्तु के बारे में जानकारी या उसे कोई निर्देश देने के लिये किया जाता है. वाक्य में प्रयुक्त होने वाले किसी भी व्यक्ति, स्थान या वस्तु के नाम को Noun कहते हैं. ऐसे शब्दों को हिंदी व्याकरण में इसे  संज्ञा  कहते हैं. संज्ञा की तरह उपयोग में लाये जाने वाले अधिकांश शब्दों को अलग से पहचाना जा सकता है. जैसे राम (Ram), लड़का (boy), गुलाब (gulab), घर (house) ये सभी नाउन के उदाहरण हैं. All words used in a sentence as a name for any person, place, animal, object etc come under the classification of noun. संज्ञा के अंतर्गत हर वह शब्द आता है जो किसी व्यक्ति, स्थान या वस्तु के नाम के रूप में वाक्य मौजूद हो. ...

treacherous meaning

                                Word of the day Treacherous (ट्रेचरअस  ) विश्वासघाती, नमक हराम,छली     Example :  उस लड़के को विश्वासघाती माना जाता है |   That boy is considered as treacherous person.

Event though

                                Word of the day Even though (इवन दो ) भले ही   Example :  भले ही वह शरारती है पर है झूठ नहीं बोलता  Even though he is naughty but he never lies.


                                Word of the day Altitude (अल्टीट्यूड) ऊँचाई  Example :  पक्षियाँ ऊँचाई पर उड़ते हैं |  Birds fly at altitude.

The First Airplane

The First Airplane Orville and Wilbur Wright, usually ow as the Wright brothers, are the inventors of the airplane. on December 17, 1903, the two American brothers flew the first airplane. Their story is very interesting. The Wright brothers  grew up in a large family in the city of Dayton, Ohio. One day, their father brought home a toy helicopter, which he gave to Orville and Wilbur. The two boys played with it  until it broke. Afterwords, they built their own toy helicopter. Both men later claimed that it made them interesting in flying. When they grew up, Wilbur and Orville started a newspaper and a bicycle repair shop. They used the money to build a flying machine. The Wright brothers'  design was based on kites and hang gliders. It wan't perfect but kites and hang gliders were the only reliable flying models available at the time. After many tests, they figured out that their flying machine needed a complex control system. They worked to improve the desi...

Motivational Story

                                Motivational Story This moral story students, workers and those who want to get success in their lives must read. I am sharing this post in both language (English & Hindi),which will make easier for learners. so, don't waste time. Let's read it.  *Think big* An unemployed young man from a very poor family was traveling by train to go to another city in search of a job. In the house only occasionally made a vegetable, so he kept only roti for food on the way. After halfway through, he started feeling hungry, and took out roti from the Tiffin and started eating. The way to eat was strange, he took a piece of bread and put something inside Tiffin as if he was eating something else with the bread, while he had only roti !! His actions were shocked to see this and other travelers nearby. The young man takes a piece of bread every time and puts ...

Word of the day

                          Word of the day                                                                   Counterfeit                                    (काउंटरफीट)                                                 नकली  Example:                                         यह नकली नोट है |                                    This is counterfeit note. ...

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