
Showing posts from October, 2019

Motivational Story

                                Motivational Story There are many beautiful and uplifting things in life, but there is also loss. Losing a loved one can trigger intense feelings of grief. For some people, this grief can lead to  depression  or make underlying. *The extinguished candle* A father loved his four-year-old daughter Mini. While returning from office, he used to bring various kinds of toys and food items daily for her. The daughter also used to have a lot of affection for her father and always used to call her father-father in a flute's voice. The days were good days, suddenly one day the Mini had a very high fever, all got scared, they ran to the doctor, but carrying her, Mini died. As the family felt that the mountain itself was broken and the condition of the father became like a dead person. Even after weeks of going to the Mini, he would not talk to anyone ... just keep on crying. Even he left office and stopped coming out of the house. The n

Word of the day

                          Word of the day                                   Oppose                                                 (अपोज़)                                               विरोध करना   Example:                       वे लोग एक दुसरे का विरोध कर रहे थे |                          They were apposing each other.

Types of sentences

Sentence  ( वाक्य ) Generally, we use words in groups. "A group of words, which makes a complete sense, is called Sentence". Pattern of sentence: 1. हिन्दी   में   वाक्य   रचना   निम्न   प्रकार   से   हैं  - कर्ता  + कर्म + क्रिया Subject   + object + verb  रवि  + खाना     + खा रहा हैं। 2. Pattern of sentence in English कर्ता  +  क्रिया + कर्म Subject   + verb  +  object Ravi + is eating +  the food. Subject: The subject answers the question: Who? हिन्दी के वाक्य में क्रिया के साथ "कौन या किसने " का उत्तर बताने वाले शब्द कर्ता कहलाता हैं। Verb: Verb tells something about subject. कार्य का करना या होना क्रिया कहलाता हैं। Object: The object answers the question: What or Whom? हिन्दी के वाक्य में क्रिया के साथ "क्या या किसने" का उत्तर बताने वाले शब्द कर्म कहलाते हैं। Part of the Sentence: Each sentence has a subject to speak about and say or predicate something about that subject. So every sentence has two parts 1

Daily uses sentences

                                            Daily uses sentences Hello everyone, today my article is little bit easy to understand and very useful for every English learners, as it contains 105 useful sentences in Hindi to English that you can easily use in your daily life. 1. मेरे साथ ऊंच नीच मत करो |  But me no buts. 2. कितने दुःख की बात है |  What a pity! 3. एक तरफ हो जाओ | Move aside. 4. भरोसा रखें /  निश्चिंत रहें |  Rest assured. 5. मूर्ख मत बनो | Don't be foolish. 6. कभी किसी को  धोखा   मत दो | Never cheat anyone. 7. वहाँ कौन है | Who's is there. 8. मैं हूँ | It's me. 9. देर मत करो | Don't be late. 10. क्या मुसीबत है | What  a bother. 11. हो गया समझो | Consider it done. 12. लानत है तुम पर | Shame on you. 13. कहीं नज़र न लगे | Touch wood. 14. गुस्सा मत हो | Don't get angry. 15. शुरू करे | Should we begin. 16. जैसी तुम्हारी मर्जी | As you wish. 17. हवा मे मत उड़ो | Stay grounded. 18. भाड़ में जाओ | Got to h

Spendthrift meaning

                          Word of the day Spendthrift (स्पेंडथ्रिफ्ट) जो व्यक्ति अधिक पैसा खर्च करे , खर्चीला  Example: मेरा छोटा भाई खर्चीला है |  My younger brother is a spendthrift.

Per head meaning

                                                      Word of the day                                                           Per head                                     (पर हेड)                                                प्रति व्यक्ति  Example:                        मूवी की कीमत 200 रूपए प्रति व्यक्ति होगी |                               Movie will cost Rs 200 per head.

Word of the day

                        Word of the day                                                                 Fairy                                               (फेयरी)                                             परी, अप्सरा Example:      ज्यादा  तर छोटी लड़कियों को परियों के रूप में कपड़े पहनाए जाते थे |                        Most of the little girls were dressed as fairies.

word of the day

                                              Word of the day                                                  Immaculate                                            (इमैक्युलेट)                                     निर्मल,पवित्र, शुद्ध, बेदाग      Example:                                    समय और तकनीक बेदाग हैं |                           Timing and technique are immaculate.

Outcome meaning

                               Word of the day                                  Outcome                                              (आउटकम)                                            परिणाम, नतीजा         Example:                     झूठ बोलने का नतीजा हमेशा बुरा ही होता हैं |                              Lie always outcomes in bad.

10 Ways to Enhance English

                 10 Ways to Enhance English 1. Believe in yourself: Ample of people afraid to speak. They are scared others would mock of them. always remember, if so many people can speak so, why can't you, so speak in English and enhance your confident. 2. Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing: Begin with listening a little. Speaking a little, Reading a little. Writing a little. And then, listen a little more, speak a little more, read a little more and write a little more. Until you be habitual. 3. Be active Always be active, English is everywhere. It's online videos, news channels even you buy products you will also get there English. 4. Be the friend of mirror: Stand in front of the mirror and speak to it in English. It will make you realize confidence about about the way you are speaking in.  5. Don't bother with grammars: Having good knowledge of 'English Grammar' is not required to understand and speak good English, Let

Word of the day

                                                   Word of the day                                 Resurrect                                                 (रेज़रेक्ट)                                         दुबारा शुरू करना    Example:                        उसने दुबारा बोलना शुरू कर दिया |                         He resurrected to speak.

Motivational Story

THE BLIND MEN AND THE ELEPHANT Once upon  time, there lived six blind men in a village. One day the villagers told them, "Hey, there is an elephant in the village today." They had no idea what an elephant is. They decided, "Even though  we would not be able to see it, let us go and feel it anyway." All of them went there the elephant was. Each one touched the elephant. "Hey, the elephant is a pillar," said the first man who touched his leg. "Oh, no! it is like a rope," said the second man who touched the tail. "Oh, no! it is like a thick branch of a tree." said the third man who touched the trunk of the elephant. "It is like a big hand fan," said the fourth man who touched the ear of the elephant. "It is like a huge wall," said the fifth man who touched the belly of the elephant. "It is like a solid pipe," said the sixth man who touched the tusk of the elephant. They began to argue about the ele


            Greetings & Introduction                        Formal Greetings Ø   Hello Ø   Nice to meet you Ø   Pleased to meet you Ø   Good morning / Good afternoon / Good evening                        Informal Greetings Ø   Hi / Hey / How  are  you? Ø   Morning / Afternoon / Evening Ø   How ’s  it going? (How  is  it going?) Ø   What ’s  up? (What  is  up?) Ø   How ’re  you doing? (How  are  you doing?) Ø   How  are  the things? NOTE: He’s = he is                                                  They’re = they are She’s = she is                                                 We’re = we are It’s = it is                                                         you’re = you are Alex’s = Alex is                                               I’m = I am                        Giving personal information Ø   My name ’s  Alex. (name ’s  = name  is ) Ø   I ’m  Alex (I ’m  = I  am ) Ø   I ’m  Indian. I ’m  from India. Ø   I live at Utt

Word of the day

                            23rd Oct, 2019                                      Word of the day                                                      BAFFLE                       हक्का - बक्का कर देना, हैरानी मे                                 डाल देना, उलझाना  Example:                   This question  baffles  my mind.                    यह सवाल मेरे दिमाग को उलझा देता हैं |  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24th Oct, 2019                                      Word of the day                                   Wake up Vs Get up        Wake up                                          Get up To stop sleeping                               To get out of bed,  and open your eyes.                         usually to start your                                                          day. Examples:                                         Examples: -  I  wake up  at 

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